Sales & Services
Phone: 1-800-819-9718
Cable TV, Digital TV, High Speed Internet
Churchill Fisheries
101 Bayview Place
Phone: 306-362-2388
Commercial Fish
Phone: 306-688-0119
Newborn and Children's Photography
Denare Beach Laundromat
1719 Moody Drive (lower level)
Phone: 306-362-2021
ERiginals Graphic Design
Phone: 306-362-2420
Elfriede Reimer
Heavenly Soles
Phone: 204-271-2886
Phone: 306-362-2347
Phone: 306-362-2560
Embroidery, Ink Imprints, all Promotional Products
Precambrian Wild Rice Plant
905 Mosher Road
Phone: 306-362-2002
Wild Rice
1719 Moody Drive (lower level)
Phone: 306-362-2021
Travel Agency
Three Arches Footcare
Phone: 306-362-2462
Nursing Foot Care for Seniors, Diabetics and Others
by Certified Foot Care Nurse Karen Pretzer